Safeguarding in the Church of England

All people are made in the image of God and are intricately and lovingly created by God. Everyone has a responsibility to care and protect one another. Safeguarding across the Church of England happens on three levels: National, Regional and Local. Nationally there is a National Safeguarding Team (NST), taking the lead to promote Safeguarding, raise awareness and develop effective policies. If you wish to report any safeguarding concerns directly to the NST please email They will ensure that any concerns are referred to the Diocese and/or statutory agency, as appropriate.

Safeguarding in the Diocese of Blackburn

"Everyone's responsibility"

Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults is central to our mission and ministry and is integral in the Diocesan Vision, which asks us to consider how to make our church communities healthier. It is everyone's responsibility. The safeguarding pages on the Diocesan website guide all those in the Diocese of Blackburn on the part that they need to play to ensure the church is a safe environment where concerns are responded to and people can flourish.


For emergency safeguarding advice, from June 1, 2021 when the DSA is unavailable (due to being on holiday or other absence) you are now able to receive emergency safeguarding cover via thirtyone:eight* on their helpline 0303 003 1111. This helpline is available 5pm to midnight weekdays and at weekends, in addition to holiday periods. The safeguarding helpline is not available between midnight and 7am.

*thirtyone:eight is an independent Christian charity which helps individuals, organisations, charities, faith and community groups to protect vulnerable people from abuse. 

Individual contact details for the Diocesan Safeguardng Team

Please note that all messages left for the team, by email, mobile or landline, are checked during normal office hours only. Messages are not routinely checked during evenings or weekends.

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser

Cath Smith
 M: 07711 485170

Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser

Sophie Booth
M: 07468 971759

Safeguarding Administrator 

Claudia Aspey
T: 01254 503088

Chair of the Blackburn Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel