The way

Mar 2, 2024    Lubna Din

Press the play button to watch the video above or press 'more' to read the transcript of the daily devotion below. Please read Exodus 9:13-35 (use your own Bible or use the link above to access the in-App Bible).

‘'... Thus says the Lord, the God of the Hebrews: Let my people go, so that they may worship me.’ Exodus 9:13

Life is affected by the choices we make. Generally, at least two options or ways are available for almost every matter. We choose one way and ignore the other and vice versa. And when it comes to our spiritual lives, we also have two options. Accept and obey God’s word, or reject and defy. These two options affect our life now and for eternity. 

In today’s reading we see God’s word (v.13) and His warning (v.18) is served to Pharaoh (v.13). Now Pharaoh is to choose either to obey or to defy. Obedience will lead him to life and defiance to death. The mystery is that the way of life begins with death. Pharaoh is proud and stubborn. He needs to kill his pride to begin to walk on the way to life. Otherwise, God tears down the proud (Proverbs 15:25). He is the righteous judge, and His judgement is upon Pharaoh and His nation (vv.13-35). 

God is also gracious and merciful (v.19a), and He does not want anyone to perish, but all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). God gives Pharaoh the way to life and amidst this plague Pharaoh confesses his sin and admits that the Lord is right (v.27). But his repentance is false as he does not let go of his pride or the people of God. He ignores God’s word and His warning again. He chooses the way to destruction and death. Though, some of his officials choose to obey God’s word and saved (v.20).

God is gracious and merciful even today. He gives us the way to life in His Son, Jesus Christ, who said ‘I am the way’ (John 14:6). He died for our sins to give us new life. And those who choose ‘the way’ through repentance find that there is no condemnation (judgement) for them (Romans 8:1). Today, let us listen to God’s voice and do not harden our hearts (Hebrews 3:15); Examine ourselves and see what is holding us back to confess our sins before God with honesty. 

May the Lord help us through His Holy Spirit to choose ‘the way’ of repentance and obedience, and to worship Him (v.13) who gives life in Jesus now and for eternity. 

Lubna Din, Lay-member of St Luke’s, Brierfield & St Cuthbert’s, Burnley