My home is in heaven
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Read: Revelation 11 (use your own Bible or use the link above to access the in-App Bible).
‘Then the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before
God fell on their faces and worshipped God.’ Revelation 11:16
Chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation assures those who are going through persecution
for their faith that they will continue to remain protected. Jesus at His Second Coming
will destroy evil, removing Satan from this world forever. God revealed to John during
his exile in Patmos that Jesus is coming back as the king to judge the world and
establish a just and righteous kingdom forever.
This revelation came at the time when seven churches in Asia were undergoing severe
persecution from Emperor Domitian (A.D. 90-95). This reminds us that Church is
built on the foundation of suffering and persecuted Christians.
This book offers comfort to the believers who are persecuted for their faith in different
parts of the world today. A Christian from Pakistan had composed a beautiful song
in Urdu based on verses 15-19 of chapter 11. He writes, “My home is in heaven - This
sinful land and sinful world is not my home.” There is steady growth of Christianity
in the countries where Christians are persecuted.
In verse 16, the twenty-four elders represent the twelve tribes of the Old Testament
and twelve apostles in the New Testament. In the Birth, Crucifixion and Resurrection
of Jesus Christ both Old and New Testaments are summed up. Jesus offers hope to
all believers from Jewish and Gentile backgrounds. In God’s family, all are welcomed.
Like these 24 elders, every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus
Christ is the Lord, and so we’re reminded this Advent of our call to proclaim God’s
saving plan for everyone.
The world will ultimately glorify Jesus (v.13). Advent offers a huge confidence to the
Church in our time to believe and serve Jesus. We must robustly engage in preparing
our communities to be holy and worthy to receive Jesus when He comes again. We are
called to surrender our life in humility to Jesus, the ultimate king. Our Advent Prayer
is “Maranatha” - Come, Lord and take charge of this world. Amen.
The Revd Dr Sarah Siddique Gill, Vicar of United Benefice of St Stephen’s with
St. James’, Blackburn.