Just as the Lord commanded

Feb 26, 2024    Paul Bye

Press the play button to watch the video above or press 'more' to read the transcript of the daily devotion below. Please read Exodus 6:28-7:13 (use your own Bible or use the link above to access the in-App Bible).

‘Moses and Aaron did so; they did just as the Lord commanded them’ Exodus 7:6

The film ‘Ground Hog Day’ sees the main character live the date February 2nd over and over again. You might be getting that déjà vu feeling here. As when faced with Israel (4:1) now anticipating Pharaoh, Moses raises the same objections. ‘I won’t be listened to’, ‘I’m no good at speaking’ (6:30). As our reading ends, once again rods turn into snakes (4:4, 7:8). Is God’s story caught on repeat? 

Despite what it might feel like, the Lord is moving His messenger forward. He meets Moses’ hesitations with a reminder of His control over his speech (7:1). He reminds him of His sovereignty over Pharaoh’s heart. Pharaoh’s rejection does not catch God by surprise. It is in His plan. Those reassurances cause a significant leap forward. Moses and Aaron obey (7:6). For all the doubts and excuses, the new pattern is to do what the Lord says (7:9).  

As the brothers step out, the Lord does not let them down. Faced with Pharaoh wanting to discredit them (7:9), it is clear whom the Lord is with. Despite the mysterious ability of the magicians, there is no doubt who the winner is (7:12). 

We can take encouragement and challenge. The Lord is working obedience in His people. He is shaping in each a desire and decision to do what He says. The fact that Moses took a long time to get there is not an excuse to drag our heels. But it is a reminder that it is better to get there in the end than not at all (see Matthew 21:28-32). 

The reassurance of God’s presence and evidence that His ways are good and purposes unstoppable give us encouragement to throw our lot in with Moses and Aaron. Might there be an area of obedience in your life which you are hanging back from, making excuses over, or struggling with? Seek the Lord’s help to make today the first day in God’s new direction, one where we do ‘just as the Lord commanded.’  

Let us pray: Heavenly Father, give me Your strength and help today that I might live just as You have commanded. Amen.

The Revd Paul Bye, Vicar of St Paul's, Ansdell and Fairhaven