100% guaranteed
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Read: Revelation 22:6-21 (use your own Bible or use the link above to access the in-App Bible).
‘ ‘Surely I am coming soon.’ Amen.
Come, Lord Jesus!’ Revelation 22:20
“Christmas is coming.” The Christmas countdown has been relentlessly ticking away. Longer than
this Advent devotional. From the traditional rhyme, “Christmas is coming and the goose is
getting fat…” to Coca-Cola’s appropriation of the cheery red Santa: “Holidays are coming”, we are
left in no doubt that one day it will be Christmas. 100% guaranteed. And the day is finally here. It’s
Christmas Day! Happy Christmas. But this year’s journey through the Book of Revelation as a
Diocesan family has opened our eyes to glimpse the heavenly perspective, the bigger story, the
real ending. It’s not just that Christmas is coming. Jesus is coming. 100% guaranteed.
I found myself unexpectedly moved this summer when I attended an ordination at St George’s,
Chorley. The final hymn was “I cannot tell how he who angels worship”. Usually, I enjoy a great sing
with great words, and great tune - O Danny Boy. But this time my heart was profoundly stirred.
I cannot tell how all the lands shall worship,
when, at his bidding, every storm is stilled,
or who can say how great the jubilation
when all our hearts with love for him are filled.
But this I know, the skies will sound his praises,
ten thousand thousand human voices sing,
and earth to heaven, and heaven to earth, will answer:
‘At last the saviour, saviour of the world, is king!’
I found myself hiding tears, longing with all my heart – Jesus please come soon! The early Christians were certain that Jesus would return in their lifetime. We see Paul writing in 1 Thessalonians to address the disappointment when He didn’t (1 Thess. 4.13f). As nearly two thousand years have passed, our hope can become faint.
The book of Revelation has been a heady mix of present and future, earth and heaven, good and evil, joy and pain. But we can be assured that one day God will call time. On evil, pain and death. Anyone who wishes can taste the ‘water of life’ (v.17). Jesus will return. 100% guaranteed.
I have been asking Jesus to teach me to pray with the faith of Elijah, who saw the heavenly reality and called it into being in the present (1 Kings 17-19). I am praying for giants of faith across Lancashire, who will “stand up and storm the gates of heaven” (to quote 5th century bishop, Augustine of Hippo). I am asking with all my heart for Jesus to come again. Soon. I know He will. 100% guaranteed.
The best Christmas present ever. For the Church, the world, and the universe.
‘Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!’
The Rt Revd Jill Duff, Bishop of Lancaster.