God is always intentional

Mar 20, 2024    Tabitha Halliwell

Press the play button to watch the video above or press 'more' to read the transcript of the daily devotion below. Please read Exodus 18:13-27 (use your own Bible or use the link above to access the in-App Bible).

‘You should also look for able men among all the people, men who fear God, are trustworthy, and hate dishonest gain; set such men over them as officers over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens.’ Exodus 18:21


The end of Exodus 18 finds us between two pivotal moments of the Israelites’ story. Situated in the wilderness after their deliverance from Egypt but prior to the unpacking of the covenant at Mount Sinai, the Israelites are starting to wonder what’s next. It’s here, in the wilderness, where we meet Jethro, father-in-law to Moses, who was keen to reunite his daughter and grandsons with Moses and hear of God’s victory himself.


Aren’t we glad that our God is always intentional in His ‘in-between’s. We see as Jethro begins to observe the work of Moses and life on camp, he takes the opportunity to impart wisdom, a little lesson in leadership. Jethro recognises that Moses, in taking the role of judge was neglecting what God had placed on him, to lead the Israelites. He saw that the whole camp looked to Moses, that he had no team. Jethro approached this: 


‘Seek out capable, Godly men, those who aren’t here to make a name for themselves, trustworthy men and appoint them to serve the people. They can bring the big issues to you and deal with the small things themselves. That will lighten your load.’ (Paraphrased).


Moses did as Jethro instructed, he appointed officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens and the scripture records ‘all these people will go home satisfied.' (18:23, NIV).


Regardless of whether you are active in leadership or not, are you seeking Godly men and women to join you on your journey of faith? Are you finding people who bear the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)? Are you surrounded by those who encourage you, build you up, who aren’t afraid to challenge you?


It’s funny, it’s almost as if Jethro’s leadership advice to Moses was a sign of what they should look for in a saviour, and aren’t we privileged to know the leadership ministry of Jesus today.


Tabitha Halliwell, Youth Provision Development Officer