Be at peace

Dec 14, 2024    Tracy Charnock

Press the play button to watch the video above or press 'more' to read the transcript of the daily devotion below. Please read 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15  (use your own Bible or use the link above to access the in-App Bible).

‘Be at peace among yourselves.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:13


As a child, one of my favourite toys was my Lego Medieval Castle. I made sure it ran like clockwork: the knights were all assigned areas of the castle to protect, the Lord and Lady treated their subjects well, and on the odd occasion when anybody didn’t pull their weight, I sent them to the dark dungeon. It was a place of harmony.


The words we read from Paul today, are a charge in how to live harmonious Christian lives: respect those in authority, get along with one another, offer support to those who need it. We are called to be team players in God’s Kingdom, striving to be at peace with creation, one another and ourselves.


We seek to lead lives which run smoothly and are peaceful. All too often though, our best laid plans go awry. The news headlines demonstrate how wrong things are in the world. Many of us will identify amongst our own families and friends, relationships and situations in need of healing and reconciliation.


In Advent, we prepare for the coming of the Prince of Peace. We receive the assurance that God’s light and love will overcome all darkness and evil. Are there people or situations on your heart, in need of the peace of Christ this Advent and Christmas? Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed by the sheer hustle and bustle of this time of year.


Paul wills us to be at peace. As we prepare to greet the Christ Child, find time to pray for God’s Heavenly peace; that all humanity will live in harmony, doing good to one another and to all. To conclude today’s devotion, a familiar blessing based on today’s scripture reading: 


Go forth into the world in peace; be of good courage; hold fast that which is good; render to no one evil for evil; strengthen the fainthearted; support the weak; help the afflicted; honour everyone; love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Amen.


The Revd Canon Tracy Charnock, Vicar, Holy Trinity & St Peter, South Shore.